A Life Of Love

There's a Gospel song , which contains these fine words: "Love lifted me. When no-one but Christ could help, love lifted me." This is the believer's testimony - "Love lifted me." What no-one else could do, Christ has done for us. He alone is able to lift us out of our sin, because He alone is our Saviour. Only Christ can give us new life, since He alone is the risen and living Lord. Later on, in this Gospel song, we find the words: "Jesus completely saves. He will lift you by His love." This is the believer's message. When we have been lifted by the love of Christ, we have more than a personal testimony. We have a message to share with others. We give our testimony, "Love lifted me", and we say to others, "He will lift you by His love." This is precisely what the healed man did . In John 9:25, he gave his personal testimony. In John 9:27, he invited his critics to follow Jesus - "Do you too want to become His disciples?" Here is a model for us to follow. We have become disciples. We must now seek to make disciples. In love, Christ has drawn us to Himself. In love, He uses us to reach out to others.