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In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

The Rock That Stands The Waves Of Adversity

The waves of the ocean can pound against the rocks over and over. But the rocks stands. The waves can even with great force pound against the rocks, but the rocks stand.

Build your house on the rock, and it will stand.

The Overcoming Life In Christ

Romans 8:1–2 I am free from condemnation.
Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
Romans 8:31–39 I am free from any condemnation brought against me and I cannot be separated from the love of God.
2 Corinthians 1:21–22 I have been established, anointed and sealed by God.
Colossians 3:1–4 I am hidden with Christ in God.
Philippians 1:6 I am confident that God will complete the good work He started in me.
Philippians 3:20 I am a citizen of heaven.
2 Timothy 1:7 I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
1 John 5:18 I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me.
In His Glorious Name Ministries

Christ's Burning Passion For His Bride

The Unquenchable Fire Of His Love
Supernatural Uses Manifest God - Ex. 3:2 Indicate God's Power - Ex. 9:24 Express God's Approval - Revelations 9:24 God's Protection - Zech. 2:5 Christ - Mal. 3:2 Holy Sprit - Acts 2:3 Angels - Heb. 1:7 Purification - Is. 6:5-7 Love - Song 8:6 Hot - Heat - Zeal Psalms 39:3 Real Faith - Rev. 3:15
Blessings, in Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online