Jesus Christ Gives The Holy Spirit To All Who Trust Him.

As we come to Christ, confessing Him as God's Son and trusting Him as our Saviour, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (v.33). Christ gives the Holy Spirit to all who trust Him. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are enabled to confess Christ before men and to live as His witnesses. We can learn a great deal about what the Holy Spirit seeks to do in our lives, as we look at four of the first followers of Jesus - (1) John the Baptist (v. 36), (2) Andrew (v. 41), (3) Peter (v. 42), (4) Nathaniel (v. 51). First, in our witnessing for Christ, we are to point people to the Saviour of sinners. Second, we are to give our personal testimony - "We have found the Messiah." He has fulfilled the meaning and purpose of our lives. Third, we are to give the testimony of transformed lives, lives which are founded on Christ, the Rock of our salvation. Fourth, we are to live and speak as a people of hope, looking to Christ who is our Hope of glory.


This is the third and final post in a series on John 1:19-51.