How Do We Receive Blessings From Jesus Christ?

We receive His blessings by receiving Him. The Lord Himself is among us. He is speaking to us through His Word. His Spirit is bringing Christ to us. The Lord is giving us a glimpse of His glory. Jesus stands among us as the risen Lord. He invites us to begin a new life with Him. Jesus comes to us with the Gospel. He comes to us with Good News. That's what the word, "Gospel", means - Good News! A little girl was asked if she had ever received Good News. She said that she received Good News when she received the "Yes" replies to the birthday party invitations she had sent to her friends. This little girl's answer tells us something very precious about the Lord's love for us. We receive joy when we come to Jesus: !"If I come to Jesus, He will make me glad."
This is the sixth post in a series, based on John 1:14-18.