Let The Holy Spirit Lead You To The Saviour.

Mark 3:13-35
The conflict intensifies. The ‘twelve’ are ‘sent... to cast out demons’(14-15). Jesus is accused of being demon-possessed (22). Jesus warns against ‘an eternal sin’- blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (28-30). With the offer of forgiveness - ‘the blood of Jesus... cleanses us from all sin’- , there is the call to ‘confess our sins’(1 John 1:7,9). ‘If we say we have no sin’(1 John 1:8,10) and no need of Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we resist the Holy Spirit who seeks to convict us of our sin and lead us to the Saviour (John 16:8-9,14). Are you anxious about ‘an unpardonable sin’? Let the Holy Spirit lead you to the Saviour. Take your sin to Jesus, and let His ‘perfect love cast out your fear’(1 John 4:17). Do you think you cannot be forgiven ? God’s thoughts are ‘higher’: ‘Return to the Lord... He will abundantly pardon’(Isaiah 55:6-9).
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures