We May Not Always Be Facing The Rising Sun, But We Should Always Be Facing The Risen Son!

Exodus 26:1-37
From the outside, it was a ‘tent’. On the inside, the tabernacle was a place of great beauty. Many look at Christ, and see ‘no beauty that we should desire Him’(Isaiah 53:2). The believer looks at Christ, and says, ‘You are beautiful beyond description, too marvellous for words, too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard’(Mission Praise, 788).The ‘veil’ has been removed (2 Corinthians 4:3-4,6). Our sin had separated us from God, hiding His face from us (Isaiah 59:2). When Christ died, ‘the curtain of the temple was torn in two...’(Mark 15:37-38). He has changed everything (Hebrews 9:7-8,11-12). Once, we were ‘separated... alienated... strangers... far off’. Now, we are ‘in Christ Jesus’- ‘brought near in the blood of Christ’(Ephesians 2:12-13; Hebrews 10:19-22).

Exodus 27:1-19
We highlight two interesting phrases - (a) ‘as you were shown on the mountain’(8); (b) ‘towards the sunrise’(13, New International Version). We need both ‘the Scriptures’ and ‘the power of God’(Mark 12:24). Our faith is based on divine revelation - ‘according to the Scriptures’(1 Corinthians 15:3-4). We are ‘not’ to ‘go beyond what is written’(1 Corinthians 4:6). Face the risen Son - We may not always be facing the rising sun, but we should always be facing the risen Son! The revelation, the resurrection, the Scriptures, the Son - these are the great focal-points of our Christian Faith: God has revealed Himself, Christ has risen. Encouraged by the Scriptures, and empowered by the Son, we face the risen Son and we say, ‘I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord’(Romans 15:4; Matthew 28:18-20; Mission Praise, 14).
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures